Mother’s Day

The Past of our Appreciation for our Mother.

More stories from Madison Graham


A mom with her family :)

   Is one day really enough to celebrate motherhood? Shouldn’t we make every day as special as Mother’s Day to shower our love for our mothers? The first Mother’s Day was organized on May 14th, 1908. It was made an official holiday on May 9th, 1914. It was celebrated in West Virginia and Philadelphia before it became an official holiday nationwide. Anna Jarvis, the daughter of Ann Reeves Jarvis. Her mother died in 1905 and Anna took one day out of her life to make it all about her mother. She took this day to honor all her mother had done for her and made this day a nationwide holiday for all mothers to be honored. We commemorate the many ways mothers have fought for better lives for their children. 

   Carnations are the official flowers that symbolize Mother’s Day. They were made the official flower because they are said to signify purity, faith, love and beauty. Another flower for Mother’s Day is a Pink Rose. It means that you care for mom. Speaking of colors, the different colors you wear on this day have different meanings. Green shows the protective nature of mothers, while yellow shows their optimistic outlook towards life and for their kids. Pink usually shows their compassionate and nurturing side, while red focuses on their passion(s) 

   At times, Mother’s Day has been used as a day to launch political or feminist issues going on in the world like woman suffrage. In 1968 Coretta Scott King, wife of Martin Luther King Jr., used Mother’s Day to host a march in support of underprivileged women and children. Back in the 1970s, women’s groups also used the holiday as a time to highlight and show the need for equal rights and access to childcare. 

   Mother’s Day is an amazing day to honor all the moms out there, but is one day enough? Do you feel that one day to go above and beyond for your mom? The women who gave you life, it is not fair that we look at our moms every morning and just think of it as normal. When Mother’s Day comes around, we act as if we are obsessed. On Mother’s Day everyone acts as if they have always been going above and beyond even if we haven’t. Yes, Mother’s Day is a special day to honor you mother, but you should honor your mom every day, not just one special day.